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New London, New London, Connecticut, USA



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Match 1 til 50 fra 158

1 2 3 4 Næste»

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Bridget  1686New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I60866 AALT 
2 Adgate, Thomas  16 mar. 1669New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I43877 AALT 
3 Allen, Ann Maria  23 maj 1831New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35748 AALT 
4 Allen, Eleanor Caroline  29 apr. 1828New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35778 AALT 
5 Allen, Mrs. Harriet  25 sep. 1813New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35797 AALT 
6 Allen, Jane C.  28 jun. 1824New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35730 AALT 
7 Allyn, John  11 jan. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13334 AALT 
8 Allyn, Samuel  26 maj 1704New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13388 AALT 
9 Angel, Almy  24 okt. 1739New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I327 AALT 
10 Angel, Thomas  5 nov. 1747New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I74 AALT 
11 Angell, Joseph  1760New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13968 AALT 
12 Angell, William II  27 maj 1742New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I18447 AALT 
13 Armstrong, Thomas  3 mar. 1720New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I9241 AALT 
14 Avery, James III  29 apr. 1673New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27196 AALT 
15 Beckwith, Benjamine  8 mar. 1643New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I72746 AALT 
16 Beckwith, Mr. Ezekiel  1757New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I96542 AALT 
17 Beebe, Agnes  ca. 1711New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I94620 AALT 
18 Beebe, Anna Tryphena  26 jun. 1773New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I57170 AALT 
19 Beebe, John  7 dec. 1701New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I74626 AALT 
20 Blakeslee, Abraham  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I1508 AALT 
21 Bolles, Richard  4 apr. 1759New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I29001 AALT 
22 Borden, Hannah  28 apr. 1695New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I5543 AALT 
23 Borden, John  ca. 1663New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I22702 AALT 
24 Bradstreet, Lucy  24 okt. 1680New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I31334 AALT 
25 Brewster, Clarissa  1775New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I43607 AALT 
26 Brewster, Lucy Ann  30 apr. 1795New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134350 AALT 
27 Brewster, Ruth  1 okt. 1784New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134349 AALT 
28 Brewster, Synthia  ca. 1772New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I43679 AALT 
29 Christopher, Joanna  19 mar. 1706New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I78819 AALT 
30 Christophers, Berrie  12 nov. 1703New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77660 AALT 
31 Christophers, Grace  14 okt. 1698New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77672 AALT 
32 Christophers, Jonathan  19 sep. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77814 AALT 
33 Christophers, Joseph  14 jul. 1692New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77804 AALT 
34 Christophers, Lucretia  10 apr. 1709New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77730 AALT 
35 Christophers, Lucy  25 aug. 1711New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77694 AALT 
36 Christophers, Lydia  10 aug. 1701New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77691 AALT 
37 Christophers, Mary  18 sep. 1694New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77716 AALT 
38 Christophers, Ruth  26 sep. 1705New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77706 AALT 
39 Coit, John  25 maj 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I132077 AALT 
40 Coit, Joseph  4 apr. 1673New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I49160 AALT 
41 Comstock, Samuel  1749New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I24266 AALT 
42 Crippen, John  20 mar. 1720New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I28514 AALT 
43 Dart, Ann  14 feb. 1674New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I44838 AALT 
44 Denison, Phebe  3 mar. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27526 AALT 
45 Dodge, Arhoda  jan. 1743New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I10682 AALT 
46 Forster, Edward  5 aug. 1677New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38158 AALT 
47 Forster, Jonathan  17 aug. 1673New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38258 AALT 
48 Forster, Samuel  22 sep. 1678New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38191 AALT 
49 Forster, Thomas  26 feb. 1668New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38160 AALT 
50 Foster, Ebenezer  apr. 1683New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38260 AALT 

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Match 1 til 23 fra 23

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Capt. Capt. Thomas  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35825 AALT 
2 Avery, Ebenezer  16 jun. 1678New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13287 AALT 
3 Avery, Edward D.  2 jul. 1676New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27286 AALT 
4 Avery, James III  1 jun. 1673New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27196 AALT 
5 Avery, James IV  29 aug. 1697New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13228 AALT 
6 Billings, William  1 sep. 1672New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27148 AALT 
7 Brewster, Samuel  2 maj 1697New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118090 AALT 
8 Chesebrough, Samuel  15 nov. 1674New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118073 AALT 
9 Coit, John  24 maj 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I132077 AALT 
10 De Wolf, Matthew Nathan  7 apr. 1700New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I29971 AALT 
11 Denison, Phebe  7 mar. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27526 AALT 
12 Latham, Grace  28 maj 1704New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118077 AALT 
13 Latham, John  23 mar. 1729New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118171 AALT 
14 Morgan, James  28 dec. 1681New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134346 AALT 
15 Morgan, Jerusha  28 dec. 1682New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I43725 AALT 
16 Morgan, Richard  20 jul. 1707New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I30032 AALT 
17 Morgan, Samuel  28 dec. 1681New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134341 AALT 
18 Pember, John  12 apr. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I57058 AALT 
19 Rogers, Rachel  10 apr. 1710New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I15102 AALT 
20 Starr, Benjamin  apr. 1679New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118095 AALT 
21 Walworth, William II  27 mar. 1698New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134348 AALT 
22 Wetherell, Mary  7 okt. 1668New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I12767 AALT 
23 Wetherell, Samuel  19 okt. 1679New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I76547 AALT 


Match 1 til 50 fra 120

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   Efternavn, Fornavn    Død    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Adams, Eli  18 jul. 1822New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134269 AALT 
2 Addis, Millicent  1698New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I46243 AALT 
3 Allen, Mrs. Harriet  1849New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35797 AALT 
4 Alvord, Benedict  8 dec. 1709New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I80636 AALT 
5 Angel, Almy  6 maj 1743New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I327 AALT 
6 Avery, Hannah  9 dec. 1761New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I15400 AALT 
7 Babcock, Frances Nancy  okt. 1787New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I33251 AALT 
8 Babcock, Susannna  1730New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I32489 AALT 
9 Beckwith, Benjamin  ca. 1786New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I72525 AALT 
10 Bemis, James  jul. 1695New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I18728 AALT 
11 Blakeslee, Abraham  jun. 1759New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I1508 AALT 
12 Blanchard, Mary  27 jun. 1727New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118092 AALT 
13 Bliss, Elizabeth  10 jul. 1689New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I26970 AALT 
14 Booth, Hannah  21 mar. 1788New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I82593 AALT 
15 Bradford, Joseph  1712New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I12742 AALT 
16 Brewster, Grace  22 apr. 1684New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I29186 AALT 
17 Brewster, Hannah  22 apr. 1684New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I18304 AALT 
18 Brewster, Jonathan  24 okt. 1717New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I13272 AALT 
19 Brewster, Joseph  15 okt. 1770New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I26953 AALT 
20 Brewster, Mary  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I8377 AALT 
21 Brewster, Synthia  4 jul. 1838New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I43679 AALT 
22 Brown, Mary  26 jul. 1749New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I61896 AALT 
23 Burdick, Naomi  3 feb. 1715New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I60506 AALT 
24 Burdick, Deacon Robert Jr  jun. 1735New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I60618 AALT 
25 Chalker, Deborah  1765New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I413 AALT 
26 Chamberlain, Mr Mr Joseph  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I107324 AALT 
27 Chapman, Francis  1716New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I347 AALT 
28 Chapman, John  20 nov. 1745New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I213 AALT 
29 Christophers, Berrie  4 mar. 1704New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77660 AALT 
30 Christophers, Grace  9 nov. 1745New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77672 AALT 
31 Christophers, Jonathan  12 okt. 1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77814 AALT 
32 Christophers, Lucretia  21 mar. 1748New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77730 AALT 
33 Christophers, Lucy  ca. 1751New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77694 AALT 
34 Christophers, Lydia  22 jan. 1740New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77691 AALT 
35 Christophers, Mary  ca. 1767New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77716 AALT 
36 Christophers, Richard  9 jun. 1726New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77737 AALT 
37 Christophers, Ruth  6 jan. 1775New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I77706 AALT 
38 Coit, Joseph  1 jul. 1750New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I49160 AALT 
39 Crocker, Hugh  1616New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I31288 AALT 
40 Dart, Ann  14 maj 1720New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I44838 AALT 
41 Denison, George  16 jan. 1737New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I34264 AALT 
42 Dickinson, Ichabod  1776New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35531 AALT 
43 Dodge, Arhoda  9 jun. 1744New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I10682 AALT 
44 Elderkin, John  22 jun. 1687New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I20511 AALT 
45 Forster, Edward  5 aug. 1677New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38158 AALT 
46 Foster, Jane  1705New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I38290 AALT 
47 Fox, Abigail  eft. 1740New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I86917 AALT 
48 Gager, Elizabeth  10 dec. 1703New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27391 AALT 
49 Gardner, Mehitable  nov. 1742New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I132115 AALT 
50 Gardner, Sarah  29 maj 1774New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I131339 AALT 

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Match 1 til 23 fra 23

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Begravelse    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Alden, Mrs. Priscilla  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I117941 AALT 
2 Allyn, Robert  28 dec. 1739New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27204 AALT 
3 Avery, Hannah  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I15400 AALT 
4 Blanchard, Mary  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118092 AALT 
5 Coit, John  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I132077 AALT 
6 Deming, Rachel  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134342 AALT 
7 Eddy, Mary  1706New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I3638 AALT 
8 Harris, Gibson  18 feb. 1761New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I27556 AALT 
9 Latham, Carey Sr  1734New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118168 AALT 
10 Latham, Joseph  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I118099 AALT 
11 Lewis, Joseph  1778New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I119237 AALT 
12 Morgan, Mercy  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I134338 AALT 
13 Pickett, Mercy  25 nov. 1728New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I15619 AALT 
14 Seabury, Mary  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I117001 AALT 
15 Smith, Edward Shepherd  jul. 1689New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I54050 AALT 
16 Spencer, Hannah Anna  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I86374 AALT 
17 Taber, Amelia  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35904 AALT 
18 Tallman, Joseph  14 apr. 1756New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I140190 AALT 
19 Turner, Grace  3 jun. 1734New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I15637 AALT 
20 Wetherell, Daniel  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I12840 AALT 
21 Wetherell, Hannah  17 sep. 1689New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I12769 AALT 
22 Wetherell, Mary  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I12767 AALT 
23 Wetherell, Samuel  New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I76547 AALT 


Match 1 til 2 fra 2

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Bopæl    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Allen, Lewis D  1850New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I35715 AALT 
2 Beckwith, Mr. Ezekiel  1800New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I96542 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Dåb    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Avery, Jonathan  29 mar. 1682New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I56267 AALT 


Match 1 til 1 fra 1

   Efternavn, Fornavn    Fødsel    Person-ID   Træ 
1 Stark, Joseph John  11 nov. 1716New London, New London, Connecticut, USA I46503 AALT 


Match 1 til 22 fra 22

   Familie    Ægteskab    Familie-ID   Træ 
1 Adgate / Morgan  20 sep. 1749New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F8541 AALT 
2 Allyn / Avery  29 jun. 1691New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F4768 AALT 
3 Angell / Church  30 jan. 1752New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F11522 AALT 
4 Angell / Jenkins  21 feb. 1760New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F276 AALT 
5 Avery / Griswold  1696New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F4761 AALT 
6 Avery / Stallyon  18 feb. 1670New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F4847 AALT 
7 Brewster / Addis  28 feb. 1660New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F8519 AALT 
8 Brewster / Avery  1765New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F4635 AALT 
9 Burdick / Foster  4 jan. 1700New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F11501 AALT 
10 Christophers / Turner  3 sep. 1691New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F16558 AALT 
11 Day / Fillmore  4 dec. 1732New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F16762 AALT 
12 Hill / Brewster  16 jul. 1668New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F4503 AALT 
13 Keeney / Burdick  17 feb. 1703New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F6606 AALT 
14 Leffingwell / Christopher  24 aug. 1726New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F16550 AALT 
15 Morgan / Dart  aug. 1699New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F8667 AALT 
16 Morgan / Deming  16 nov. 1665New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F30087 AALT 
17 Morgan / Hills  6 aug. 1640New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F30084 AALT 
18 Morgan, / Vine  16 nov. 1666New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F8524 AALT 
19 Pratt / Hough  8 okt. 1700New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F242 AALT 
20 Pratt / Pratt  17 feb. 1771New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F19169 AALT 
21 Rogers / Burdick  1677New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F5281 AALT 
22 Stebbins / Miner  17 jun. 1697New London, New London, Connecticut, USA F6484 AALT 

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