- 17. William^ Champlin, son of Capt. William and Mary-
(Babcock) Champlin (James ist), b. ; d. 1747;
m. Jan. 18, 1699- 1700, Mary Clark, dan. of Joseph and
Bethiah (Hnbbard) Clark, b. Dec. 27, 1680, d. 1760.
He was made a freeman of Westerly in 1700, and June 25,
1707, he was chosen "Rattemaker" (i. e., assessor). His
wife "Mary (Clark) Champlin was baptized, and under lay-
ing on of hands was admitted into the [S. D, B.] Church the
loth of the 5th month, 1708."
Jan. 18, 1 7 16, he made an agreement with Mary (Babcock)
Champlin (his mother), Capt. John Babcock, and Samuel
Clark, and their wives, in which he agreed to maintain his
mother as long as she pleased to live with him, to pay her
£200 dow'n and £10 annually, and make over to her two beds
and other household goods in lieu of her dower; also to pay
£100 to brother-in-law John Babcock and w^ife Mary, and
brother-in-law Samuel Clark and wife Ann.
His will, dated Aug. 3, 1747, probated Dec. 29, 1747, ap-
points son William executor. Among other provisions his
executor is bidden "to care for my ancient mother if she out-
lives me."
Children :
William, b. May 31, 1702.
Jeffrey, b. Mar. 6, 1704.
Joseph, b. .
Samuel, b. .
Joshua, b. .
James, b. .
Susannah, b. ; m. Stanton.