- Hi, MY name is Eva Lapree Horn. I was born September 5th ,1920 in Medical Springs, Oregon. I am the 3rd daughter born to Joseph Horn and Katie May England. At the time of my birth my family was living on a 140 acre ranch, that my dad was helping farm.
My family moved to Cashe Valley, Logan, Utah when I was very small, My first years of school was there. I think I was in the 4th grade when we moved to Rupert Idaho which is where I grew up. I remember the years of growing up on the farm helping my dad herd sheep and when he cut the hay using our horses, Gub and June, to pull the swather. My mom, my sisters and I would put the hay in big round piles by hand so dad could rake it up. My dad took us to school on a horse pulled wagon. Going to school was a real hoot. We were always getting in trouble with the boys. My favorite sport was baseball and track and math was my favorite subject. I graduated in 1938 from Heyburn. I liked going to the Art exhibits that were held at the Heyburn school every spring. In fact that is where I met my future destiny....
This day that I am writing this is April 6, 1993. The remembrance of my life with Father and mother the two lovely man and women who brought me to this world was named Joseph Horn and Katie May England. My father was age of 28 and my mother at age 26, living on a ranch at Medical Springs Oregon,l the day of September 5th 1920 at 11:30 pm. I was the third child and my father and mother named me Eva Lapree. It is hard to remember my age, I would guess, 4 years old, my mind goes back to Cash Valley Utah on a farm at Logan, Utah. I remember a church Christmas party there was a big green tree decorated up pretty colored lights all lit up. A person in a red suit, white hair and a beard was by the tree he was giving out gifts and calling out names. He gave me a package and when I unwrapped it there was a pair of pretty blue necklaces. I thought how could he know my name. Rememberance of school, daddy as I remember took us 2 miles to school in a wagon pulled by horses, the school was called Young school. Now on the farm in Logan, Daddy had pure bred white faced panama sheep. He would always sheer them for wool to sell. My dad had us girls heard them on ditch banks on the farm. I remember my dad out plowing with two white horses named June and Gub. Daddy would hum a song as he was doing his farming watching the dirt roll over. Daddy cut his hay down using the only mower he had, June and Gub pulling it. Then when the hay dried, he raked it into ferlos, then us girls, Zylpha, Gladys, Delva and I and also mother, would put the hay into round piles to dry. Our mother was always out worling in the fields. She would go to the house and fix inner, us four girls took turns doing the dishes. I remember us arguing whose turn it was, that day to do dishes. Our mother had us girls take turns mixing bread in a big round pan with a live yeast mix of potatoe juice. She kept it in a qt jar, our Dad would take us to school on a sled with horses pulling it. on the way we would pick up other kids. some of them is my cousins, Benches also living in Burley. We had a herd of sheep in Logon, us girls would herd them around our farm, also cows, I tried to milk a cow one night and she had hobbles on, but still kicked over the bucket and spilled the milk. I cried over that so dad said for me not to milk again. O boy I was about 6 or 7 then. My mother, Dad and sisters always worked together on the farm, thinning beats topping them, and hauling them in a wagon pulled with the horses. We all picked potatoes together.