- From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Marsh-213
John Marsh
Born about 1643 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Colony
Son of John Marsh and Anne (Webster) Marsh
Brother of Samuel Marsh, Joseph Marsh, Grace (Marsh) Baker, Isaac Marsh, Jonathan Marsh, Daniel Marsh, Hannah (Marsh) Loomis and Lydia (Marsh) Loomis [half]
Husband of Sarah (Lyman) Marsh - married 28 Nov 1666 in Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusettsmap
Husband of Susannah (Butler) Marsh - married 1 Jan 1707 in Hartford, Connecticut
Father of John Marsh III, Joseph Marsh, Nathaniel Marsh, Sarah (Marsh) Merrill, Elizabeth Marsh, Hannah Marsh, Ebenezer Marsh, Hannah (Marsh) Olmsted, Lydia Marsh, Hepzibah Marsh, Jonathan Marsh and Susannah Marsh
Died 1 Aug 1727 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut Colony
The book, John Marsh of Hartford, Connecticut 1636-1895 by Dwight Whitney Marsh and my own DNA, Gus Marsh.
Source: Barbour, Lucius Barnes, Families of Early Hartford, Connecticut, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.: Baltimore, Maryland, 1977
Source Marsh, Dwight Whitney , Marsh Genealogy. Giving several thousand descendants of John Marsh of Hartford, Ct, 1636-1895. AMHERST, Mass.: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, 1895.
Source Paine-Joyce Genealogy online at http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/gen/report/rr05/rr05_336.html
No. 2 x - Walter Percy Butler and Kathryn Morris Wilkinson. Descendants of Richard Butler of Hartford, Connecticut. ( Shorewood, Wis.?, : K.M. Wilkinson, 1966?). Limited search views available to Hathitrust members. Library availability via World Cat.