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 Lena Albertina Mathis

Lena Albertina Mathis

Kvinde 1864 - 1949  (84 år)    Har 18 forfædre og 13 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.

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  • Navn Lena Albertina Mathis  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54
    Fødsel 8 nov. 1864  St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 15, 16, 24, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54
    Køn Kvinde 
    FSID KWZM-T7J  [2, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
    Død 3 apr. 1949  St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 16, 24, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53
    Begravelse 6 apr. 1949  St. George City Cemetery, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 16, 29, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53
    Søskende 9 søskende 
    Person-ID I139896  AALT
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Far Johannes Mathys,   f. 10 feb. 1832, Wiedikon, Zürich, Switzerland Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 29 jul. 1899, New Harmony, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 67 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Mor Anna Barbara Bryner,   f. 2 feb. 1830, Illnau, Zürich, Switzerland Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1 aug. 1920, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 90 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Ægteskab 1856  Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [41, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : ~ 23 år og 10 måneder - Hun : ~ 25 år og 10 måneder. 
    Familie-ID F31065  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie Joshua Alma Crosby,   f. 29 jan. 1863, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 18 mar. 1909, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 46 år) 
    Ægteskab 27 mar. 1884  St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [70
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Hun : 19 år og 4 måneder - Han : 21 år og 2 måneder. 
     1. Albertina Crosby,   f. 20 dec. 1884, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 4 nov. 1918, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 33 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     2. Joshua Alma Crosby, Jr,   f. 26 feb. 1886, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 7 jul. 1947, Cedar City, Iron, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 61 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     3. Barbara Crosby,   f. 20 sep. 1888, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 21 apr. 1890, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 1 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     4. Hannah Elida Crosby,   f. 24 jun. 1890, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 16 dec. 1984, Hurricane, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 94 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     5. Clara Maude Crosby,   f. 26 jul. 1892, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 22 apr. 1958, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 65 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     6. Mary Crosby,   f. 1 sep. 1894, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 28 jul. 1930, Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 35 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     7. Elizabeth Crosby,   f. 15 feb. 1896, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 21 feb. 1897, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 1 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     8. Franklin Mathis Crosby,   f. 7 dec. 1897, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 11 jan. 1991, San Bernardino, California, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 93 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     9. Evadean Crosby,   f. 25 apr. 1900, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 21 feb. 1935, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 34 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     10. Henry George Crosby,   f. 23 apr. 1902, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 4 jun. 1996, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 94 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     11. Arthur Mathis Crosby,   f. 6 jul. 1905, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 15 sep. 1977, Pico Rivera, Los Angeles, California, United States Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 72 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     12. Glen Wentworth Crosby,   f. 15 nov. 1906, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 15 jan. 1972, Ogden, Weber, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 65 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     13. Samuel Wallace Crosby,   f. 5 feb. 1909, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 2 jul. 1984, St George, Washington, Utah, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 75 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
    Familie-ID F31106  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 8 nov. 1864 - St George, Washington, Utah, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 27 mar. 1884 - St George, Washington, Utah, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 3 apr. 1949 - St George, Washington, Utah, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, (Name: (;), accessed 10 Dec 2020), entry for Joshua Alma Crosby, person ID KWZM-T7N. (Troværdighed: 3).

    2. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 08 November 2020, 23:29), entry for Lena Albertina Mathis(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID KWZM-T7J.
      Lena Albertina Mathis

    3. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Census Records, 1914-1960", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 December 2020), Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, 1914.
      Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, "Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Census Records, 1914-1960"

    4. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Census Records, 1914-1960", database, FamilySearch ( : 7 December 2020), Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, 1930.
      Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, "Utah, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Church Census Records, 1914-1960"

    5. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Birth and Death Records,1892-1951", database, FamilySearch ( : 1 October 2020), Lena Crosby in entry for Blank Blank Blank, 1902.
      Lena Crosby in entry for Blank Blank Blank, "Utah, County Birth and Death Records,1892-1951"

    6. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Birth and Death Records,1892-1951", database, FamilySearch ( : 1 October 2020), Lena Crosby in entry for MM9.1.1/8GJH-N1T2:, 1900.
      Lena Crosby in entry for , "Utah, County Birth and Death Records,1892-1951"

    7. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 9 December 2020), Lena Mathis in entry for Evadean C Slack, 1935.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Evadean C Slack, "California, County Birth and Death Records, 1800-1994"

    8. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Births and Christenings, 1892-1941", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena Crosby in entry for MM9.1.1/F828-45J:, 1902.
      Lena Crosby in entry for , "Utah Births and Christenings, 1892-1941"

    9. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, World War I Service Questionnaires, 1914-1918", database, FamilySearch ( : 15 August 2019), Lena Crosby in entry for Franklin M Crosby, .
      Lena Crosby in entry for Franklin M Crosby, "Utah, World War I Service Questionnaires, 1914-1918"

    10. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, World War I Service Questionnaires, 1914-1918", database, FamilySearch ( : 15 August 2019), Lena Crosby in entry for Franklin M Crosby, .
      Lena Crosby in entry for Franklin M Crosby, "Utah, World War I Service Questionnaires, 1914-1918"

    11. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1930," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 December 2020), Lena A Crosby, St George, Washington, Utah, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 18, sheet 19A, line 45, family 400, NARA microfilm publication T626 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2002), roll 2424; FHL microfilm 2,342,158.
      Lena A Crosby, "United States Census, 1930"

    12. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "California Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Crosby, 11 Jan 1991; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.
      Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Crosby, "California Death Index, 1940-1997"

    13. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Births and Christenings, 1892-1941", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena Crosby in entry for MM9.1.1/F828-W5Z:, 1900.
      Lena Crosby in entry for , "Utah Births and Christenings, 1892-1941"

    14. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Missionary Department, Missionary Registers, 1860-1937," database, FamilySearch ( : 27 November 2019), Lena M Crosby in entry for Joshua A Crosby, Utah, United States; records extracted by FamilySearch and images digitized by Church History library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; citing , Missionary department missionary registers 1860-1959, CR 301 22, Church History Library, Salt lake City, Utah.
      Lena M Crosby in entry for Joshua A Crosby, "Utah, Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Missionary Department, Missionary Registers, 1860-1937"

    15. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Transcription of headstone image from Image taken at Saint George City Cemetery (St George, Washington, Utah, United States) on 21 November 2017.
      Headstone image of Lena Albertina Mathis from

    16. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 30 April 2018), Lena Albertina Mathis, died 3 Apr 1949; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Saint George City Cemetery, St George, Washington, Utah, United States.
      Lena Albertina Mathis, "BillionGraves Index"

    17. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Birth Certificates, 1903-1914," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 March 2018), Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby, 05 Feb 1909; citing St. George, Washington, Utah, United States; citing p. , ref. ID # , Utah State Archives, Salt Lake City; FamilySearch digital folder 004252066.
      Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby, "Utah, Birth Certificates, 1903-1914"

    18. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Birth Certificates, 1903-1914," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 March 2018), Lena A Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby, 15 Nov 1906; citing St. George, Washington, Utah, United States; citing p. , ref. ID # , Utah State Archives, Salt Lake City; FamilySearch digital folder 004196303.
      Lena A Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby, "Utah, Birth Certificates, 1903-1914"

    19. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Missionary Department, Missionary Registers, 1860-1937," database, FamilySearch ( : 27 November 2019), L A Mathis in entry for Glen W Crosby, Utah, United States; records extracted by FamilySearch and images digitized by Church History library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; citing , Missionary department missionary registers 1860-1959, CR 301 22, Church History Library, Salt lake City, Utah.
      L A Mathis in entry for Glen W Crosby, "Utah, Salt Lake City, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Missionary Department, Missionary Registers, 1860-1937"

    20. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 August 2017), Lena Mathis in entry for Joshua Alma Crosby and Carrie May Deal, 1938.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Joshua Alma Crosby and Carrie May Deal, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    21. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 15 March 2018), Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Clara Maude Crosby Gardner, 22 Apr 1958; citing St George, Washington, Utah, United States, certificate , series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL microfilm.
      Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Clara Maude Crosby Gardner, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965"

    22. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena A. Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Grosby, 1927.
      Lena A. Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Grosby, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    23. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 31 July 2017), Lena A. Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Grosby and Ethelyn Mcrae Kinnersley, 1927.
      Lena A. Mathis in entry for Frank Mathis Grosby and Ethelyn Mcrae Kinnersley, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    24. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Utah, Death and Military Death Certificates, 1904-1961

    25. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lzsia Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby, 1925.
      Lzsia Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    26. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena A. Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby, 1933.
      Lena A. Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    27. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 August 2017), Lena A Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby and Freda Alvira Murphy, 1933.
      Lena A Mathis in entry for Glen Wentworth Crosby and Freda Alvira Murphy, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    28. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 September 2015), Lena Mathis in entry for Mary Crosby Savage, 28 Jul 1930; citing Ogden, Weber, Utah, United States, certificate 349, series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL microfilm.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Mary Crosby Savage, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965"

    29. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 19 May 2020), Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, 1949; Burial, , ; citing record ID , Find a Grave,
      Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, "Find A Grave Index"

    30. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 September 2015), Lena A. Malhis in entry for Joshua Alma Crosby, 07 Jul 1947; citing Cedar City, Iron, Utah, United States, certificate 37, series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL microfilm.
      Lena A. Malhis in entry for Joshua Alma Crosby, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965"

    31. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby, 1929.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    32. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 August 2017), Lena Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby and May Dodds, 1929.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Samuel Wallace Crosby and May Dodds, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    33. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lena Mathis in entry for Leon L. Slack, 1932.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Leon L. Slack, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    34. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 August 2017), Lena Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby and Emma Seegmiller, 1925.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby and Emma Seegmiller, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    35. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 11 September 2015), Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Albertina Crosby Bunker, 04 Nov 1918; citing St George, Washington, Utah, United States, certificate 56, series 81448; Utah State Archives Research Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; FHL microfilm.
      Lena Albertina Mathis in entry for Albertina Crosby Bunker, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1965"

    36. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 August 2017), Lena Mathis in entry for Leon L Slack and Evadean Crosby, 1932.
      Lena Mathis in entry for Leon L Slack and Evadean Crosby, "Utah, County Marriages, 1887-1940"

    37. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935", database, FamilySearch ( : 28 January 2020), Lzsia Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby, 1925.
      Lzsia Mathis in entry for Henry George Crosby, "Utah Marriages, 1887-1935"

    38. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Microfilm, St. George Cemetery records, City of St. George, FHL US/CAN film # 08738419, item 2, p. 468, Library, St. George, Utah, United States.
      Legacy NFS Source: Lena Albertina Mathis - Government record: Cemetery record or headstone: burial: 6 April 1949; Saint George, Washington, Utah, United States

    39. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Microfilm, St. George Cemetery records , City of St. George, Utah, FHL US/CAN film # 08738419, item 2, p. 468, Library, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.
      Legacy NFS Source: Lena Albertina Mathis - Government record: Cemetery record or headstone: death: 3 April 1949; Saint George, Washington, Utah, United States

    40. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Microfilm, St. George Cemetery Records, City of St. George, Utah, FHL US/CAN film # 08738419, item 2, p. 468, Library, Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States.
      Legacy NFS Source: Lena Albertina Mathis - Government record: Cemetery record or headstone: birth: 8 November 1864; Saint George, Washington, Utah, United States

    41. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, FamilySearch History Books.
      Digital Book: Jesse Wentworth Crosby, Mormon preacher, pioneer, man of God : his ancestry, his life, some of his progeny

    42. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Ancestral File (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Lena Albertina Mathis -

    43. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1880," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 Sep 2012), Lena Mathis in household of John Mathis, St. George, Washington, Utah; citing sheet 357B, family 4, NARA microfilm publication T9-1339.
      "United States Census, 1880," Lena Mathis in household of John Mathis, St. George, Washington, Utah

    44. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1870," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 Sep 2012), Lena Mathis in household of John Mathis, Utah, United States; citing p. 11, family 72, NARA microfilm publication M593, FHL microfilm 553112.
      "United States Census, 1870," Lena Mathis in household of John Mathis, Utah, United States

    45. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1900," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Sep 2012), Lena A Crosby in household of Joshua A Crosby, ED 175 Leads, St. George, Washington Precincts St. George city & Washington city, Washington, Utah, United States; citing sheet 11B, family 205, NARA microfilm publication T623, FHL microfilm 1241688.
      "United States Census, 1900," Lena A Crosby in household of Joshua A Crosby, ED 175 Leads, St. George, Washington Precincts St. George city & Washington city, Washington, Utah, United States

    46. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1910," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Sep 2012), Lena A Crosby, St George, Washington, Utah; citing sheet 9B, family 163, NARA microfilm publication T624, FHL microfilm 1375623.
      "United States Census, 1910," Lena A Crosby, St George, Washington, Utah

    47. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "BillionGraves Index," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Sep 2012), LENA ALBERTINA MATHIS CROSBY, 1949; citing ( : 2012).
      "BillionGraves Index," LENA ALBERTINA MATHIS CROSBY, 1949

    48. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1920," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Sep 2012), Lena Crosby, , Washington, Utah; citing enumeration district (ED) , sheet 13A, family 236, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1821869.
      "United States Census, 1920," Lena Crosby, , Washington, Utah

    49. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1940," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 Apr 2013), Lena Crosby, St. George, St. George Election Precinct, Washington, Utah, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 27-21, sheet 16A, family 315, NARA digital publication T627, roll 4221.
      Lena Crosby, "United States Census, 1940"

    50. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 15 Sep 2012), Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, 03 Apr 1949.
      "Utah Death Certificates, 1904-1956," Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, 1949

    51. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Utah Cemetery Inventory

    52. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 1 July 2016), Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, died 03 Apr 1949; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Saint George City Cemetery, St George, Washington, Utah, United States.
      Lena Albertina Mathis Crosby, "BillionGraves Index"

    53. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "BillionGraves Index," database, FamilySearch ( : 24 June 2015), LENA ALBERTINA MATHIS, died 03 Apr 1949; citing BillionGraves ( : 2012), Burial at Saint George City Cemetery, St George, Washington, Utah, United States.
      LENA ALBERTINA MATHIS, "BillionGraves Index"

    54. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Transcription of headstone image from Image taken at Saint George City Cemetery (St George, Utah, United States) on 13 November 2011.
      Headstone image of Lena Albertina Mathis from

    55. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 29 April 2020, 08:33), entry for Johannes Mathys(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID KWNR-VYL.
      Johannes Mathys

    56. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Wiedikon Burgerbuch 1846-1892

    57. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Legacy NFS Source: Johannes Mathys - Church record: birth:

    58. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Legacy NFS Source: Johannes Mathys - Individual or family possessions: birth-name: Johannes Mathys

    59. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Ancestral File (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Johannes Mathys -

    60. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, International Genealogical Index (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1980, 1997, data as of February 1997, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Johannes Mathys -

    61. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Legacy NFS Source: Johannes Mathys - Individual or family possessions: birth-name: John Maths

    62. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, LDS Church Archives (Restricted Access).
      Italian Swiss Mission Records

    63. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 21 May 2020, 01:43), entry for Maria Sophie Ruesch(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID KWNR-VYG.
      Maria Sophie Ruesch

    64. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 December 2020), Sophia Matthis in household of Minor H. Prisby, Leads, St. George, Washington Precincts St. George city & Washington city, Washington, Utah, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 175, sheet 11B, family 207, NARA microfilm publication T623 (Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1972.); FHL microfilm 1,241,688.
      Sophia Matthis in household of Minor H. Prisby, "United States Census, 1900"

    65. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 11 December 2020), Sopha Ruesch in household of Minor H Presby, St George, Washington, Utah, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 210, sheet 13A, family 227, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1610; FHL microfilm 1,375,623.
      Sopha Ruesch in household of Minor H Presby, "United States Census, 1910"

    66. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Ordinance Index (TM), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1 Mar 1993 Edition, Family History Library, 35 N. West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Maria Sophie Ruesch -

    67. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree.
      Legacy NFS Source: Maria Sophie Ruesch - Individual or family possessions: christening: 21 March 1841; Sankt Margrethen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland

    68. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Ancestral File (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Maria Sophie Ruesch -

    69. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, International Genealogical Index (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of December 18, 2006, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA, Page number: Film #: 458639.
      Legacy NFS Source: Maria Sophie Ruesch -

    70. [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, (Name: (;), accessed 10 Dec 2020), entry for Joshua Alma Crosby, person ID KWZM-T7N. (Troværdighed: 3).
      ;Just standardizing the date.
      Contributor: Eva Lynn

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