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 Sarah Wilbore

Sarah Wilbore

Kvinde 1702 - 1729  (27 år)    Har 6 forfædre og 11 efterkommere i dette stamtræ.

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  • Navn Sarah Wilbore  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
    Fødsel 10 sep. 1702  Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
    Køn Kvinde 
    FSID LKNG-TTY  [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
    Død 23 dec. 1729  Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
    Søskende 13 søskende 
    Person-ID I139636  AALT
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

    Far William Wilbore,   f. 25 dec. 1660, Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. ca. 1738, Little Compton, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 77 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Mor Sarah Tallman,   f. 1664, Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1732, Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 68 år) 
    Tilknytning natural 
    Ægteskab 18 dec. 1680  Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted 
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Han : 20 år - Hun : ~ 17 år. 
    Familie-ID F31007  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle

    Familie Darius Tallman,   f. 3 feb. 1690, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1733, Dutchess, New York, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 42 år) 
    Ægteskab 10 dec. 1728  Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted  [21
    Alder ved indgåelse af ægteskab Hun : 26 år og 3 måneder - Han : 38 år og 10 måneder. 
     1. Brittain Tallman,   f. 23 dec. 1729, Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 25 jan. 1815, Dutchess, New York, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 85 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     2. Darius Tallman,   f. 1730, Rhode Island, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette stedd. 1810, Chestnut Ridge, Rockland, New York, USA Find alle personer med begivenheder på dette sted (Alder 80 år)  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
     3. David Tallman,   f. ca. 1733   d. Ja, dato ukendt  [Far: natural]  [Mor: natural]
    Familie-ID F31170  Gruppeskema  |  Familietavle
    Sidst ændret 6 jan. 2021 

  • Begivenhedskort
    Link til Google MapsFødsel - 10 sep. 1702 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsÆgteskab - 10 dec. 1728 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Link til Google Earth
    Link til Google MapsDød - 23 dec. 1729 - Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island, USA Link til Google Earth
     = Link til Google Earth 

  • Kilder 
    1. [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, (Name: (;), accessed 10 Dec 2020), entry for Darius Tallman, person ID L87D-B6H. (Troværdighed: 3).

    2. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Family Tree," database, FamilySearch ( : modified 01 November 2020, 17:28), entry for Sarah Wilbore(PID; contributed by various users. PersonID LKNG-TTY.
      Sarah Wilbore

    3. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Rhode Island, Vital records, 1846-1898, 1901-1953," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2017), Sarah, 1702; citing Birth, Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, United States, Rhode Island State Archives, Providence; FHL microfilm 007727420.
      Sarah, "Rhode Island, Vital records, 1846-1898, 1901-1953"

    4. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, #992.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor -

    5. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, #1.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor -

    6. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Ancestral File (R), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor -

    7. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, Vital Record of Rhode Island 1636-1850.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - Government record: Birth record or certificate: birth: 10 September 1702; Little Compton, New Port, Rhode Island, United States

    8. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Hillard - Tallman GEDCOM," supplied by Hillard, 8 September 2010., compiled by Victor Grant Hillard Jr. [(E-ADDRESS) FOR PRIVATE USE Derry, New Hampshire.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    9. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Vital, Little Compton, Rhode Island Vital Records - Births, Marriages, Deaths - Transcribed, Transcribed by Otis Wilbor, Town Clerk, 1842, Page number: Volume 1, Page 125.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    10. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Electronic Database, WorldTree Database: "The Ancestral File of Allen Donald Tallman", Allen Donald Tallman , 3 May 2004;,,
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    11. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Gedcom File, Peter Tallman GEDCOM, David Cornell , 9 February 2007, David Cornell, David Cornell.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    12. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Electronic, WorldTree Database: "Ancestry of AA", Abby Alspach , 9 May 2004,,,
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    13. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Book, One Hundred and Sixty Allied Families, John Osborne Austin, Massachussetts, 1893, Privately Printed, I have a copy., I have a copy.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    14. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Book, Vital Records of Rhode Island, 1636-1850, James N. Arnold, Providence, Rhode Island; Narragansett Historical Publishing Company; 1891-1906,,
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    15. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "WorldConnect Database: "Ancestors of Vern Divine"," database, \i\i0  , Kennett Art Offill, ( : 26 February 2010), Page number: ); Kennett Art Offill.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    16. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, The Wildbores in America. Second Edition., John Reid Wilbor and Benjamin Franklin Wilbour, 1907, Page number: 1:47.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth-name: Sarah Wilbor

    17. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Electronic, WorldTree Database: "Thomas, Wilbur and Courser Families", Roger Courser, May 3, 2004;,,
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - aka-name: Sarah Wilber

    18. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Book, Talman/Tallman Families, Herbert S. Ackerman, 1953; Reprint of original book, loaned from the Bergen County Historical Society., I have a copy., I have a copy.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - aka-name: Sarah Wilbore

    19. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, media.type.Book, Town of Little Compton, Rhode Island, Families, Benjamin Franklin Wilbour, Little Compton, RI; Little Compton Historical Society; 1967, Page number: Page 709.
      Legacy NFS Source: Sarah Wilbor - birth: 10 September 1702;

    20. [S950], FamilySearch Family Tree, "Rhode Island Births and Christenings, 1600-1914", database, FamilySearch ( : 17 December 2019), Sarah in entry for Britain Talman, 1729.
      Sarah in entry for Britain Talman, "Rhode Island Births and Christenings, 1600-1914"

    21. [S26] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch, (Name: (;), accessed 10 Dec 2020), entry for Darius Tallman, person ID L87D-B6H. (Troværdighed: 3).
      ;Contributor: BrentHeineken,

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