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 Countess Of Aumale & Ponthieu Adlade De Normandie

Countess Of Aumale & Ponthieu Adlade De Normandie

Kvinde ca. 1030 - 1090  (60 år)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.   Countess Of Aumale & Ponthieu Adlade De Normandie blev født cirka 1030 i Chateau de Falaise, Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France (datter af Robert Of Normandy, I og Herleve Of Falaise); døde i 1090 i Aumale, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet i sep. 1090.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Beskæftigelse: Comtesse d'Aumale
    • Beskæftigelse: Countess Of Champagne
    • Beskæftigelse: Countess of Ponthieu


    Comitissa de Albatnarla, as she was listed in the Domesday Book, was shown as having numerous holdings in both Suffolk and Essex, one of the very few Norman noblewomen to have held lands in England at Domesday as a tenant-in-chief.
    In 1082, King William and Queen Matilda gave to the abbey of the Holy Trinity in Caen the town of Le Homme in the Cotentin with a provision to the Countess of Albamarla (Aumale), his sister, for a life tenancy.
    She was also given the lordship of Holderness which was held after her death by her 3rd husband, Odo, the by then disinherited Count of Champagne; the lordship then passed to their son, Stephen.

    Adelaide, sister of William the Conqueror. She is styled Countess of Aumale, d. before 1090. [Complete Peerage I:351 chart]. Adelaide's first marriage to Enguerrand II, Count of Ponthieu was prohibited based on consanguinity was apparently annulled about 1049/50.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.   Robert Of Normandy, I blev født den 22 jun. 1000 i Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France (søn af Duke of Normandy Richard Of Normandy, II og Duchess of Normandy Judith Of Brittany); døde den 3 jul. 1035 i Nicaea, Bithynia, Turkey; blev begravet i Nicaea Cathedral, Bithynia, Turkey.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Title Of Nobility: Duke of Normandy


    See Danish text far below:
    He was the Duke of Normandy from 1027 until his death. He aided King Henry I of France against Henry's rebellious brother and mother, and for his help he was given the territory of the Vexin. He also intervened in the affairs of Flanders, supported his cousin Edward the Confessor who was then in exile at Robert's count and sponsored monastic reform in Normandy.

    and a Life Sketch in Danish, from:
    Robert 1. af Normandiet blev kaldt den Storslåede [le Magnifique] for sin forkærlighed for pynt (22. juni 1000 - 3. juli 1035) var søn af hertug Richard 2. af Normandiet og dennes hustru Judith, der var datter af Hertug Conan 1. af Bretagne.
    Da Richard 2. døde, efterfulgte hans ældste søn ham som Richard 3. af Normandiet, mens Robert blev greve af Hiémois. Richard 3. døde dog inden et år, og der er stor mistanke om, at Robert skulle være indblandet i broderens død. Derfra fik han sit øgenavn Robert le Diable [Djævlen]. Robert hjalp kong Henrik 1. af Frankrig imod Henriks oprørske bror og mor, og for dette gav kongen ham land i Vexin. Han blandede sig også i Flanderns indre forhold, da han støttede Edvard Bekenderen, som var i eksil ved Roberts hof. Robert støttede også reformer i klostrene i Normandiet.
    Med sin frille, Herleva, blev han far til den senere Vilhelm Erobreren.
    En uægte datter, Adelaide, blev grevinde af Ponthieu og Champagne.
    Efter at have gjort sin uægte søn Vilhelm til arving, tog han på pilgrimsrejse til Jerusalem og døde i Nikæa mellem 1. og 3. juli 1035. Sønnen Vilhelm var kun 8 år gammel, da han efterfulgte sin far. Man har søgt årsagen til, at Robert 1. af Normandiet deltog i ovennævnte pilgrimsrejse på trods af, at mange frarådede ham at drage af sted. Den engelske historiker David C. Couglas peger på, at Robert sandsynligvis følte et særligt behov for at få syndsforladelse. Man har senere påstået, at Robert ønskede at blive renset og opnå syndsforladelse for sin medvirken i broderens, Richard 3.'s død. I hvert fald er det absolut ikke usandsynligt, at Robert meget stærkt kan have følt kaldet fra Jerusalem. Resolut sammenkaldte han en skare af betydningsfulde normanniske stormænd, som imidlertid frarådede Robert at forlade et hertugdømme, som han netop havde erhvervet sig på baggrund af krigsførelse, og som han ville have svært ved at beholde, såfremt han forlod landet. Desuden anførte de, at han ikke kunne pege på en eneste person, som kunne træde i hans sted, hvis han drog til Jerusalem. Trods advarslerne drog Robert af sted for aldrig at vende tilbage igen. En af de første tre dage af juli i 1035 døde han i nærheden af Nikæa, i staten Bithynien, der tidligere var et selvstændig rige og ligger ud til den nordøstlige kyst af Tyrkiet ved Sortehavet.

    Robert blev gift med Herleve Of Falaise cirka 1030 i France. Herleve blev født cirka 1003 i Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France; døde cirka 1050 i Grestain, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet cirka 1050 i Abbey of Grestrain, Fatouville, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 3.   Herleve Of Falaise blev født cirka 1003 i Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France; døde cirka 1050 i Grestain, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet cirka 1050 i Abbey of Grestrain, Fatouville, Eure, Haute-Normandie, France.


    See English text below:
    Herleva var elskerinde (frille) til Robert 1 af Normandiet og datter af en garver fra Falaise. Hun fødte Roberts søn Vilhelm Erobreren.

    And from:
    Herleva (c. 1003 - c. 1050) was a Norman woman of the 11th century, known for three sons: William I of England "the Conqueror", an illegitimate son fathered by Robert I, Duke of Normandy; and Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count of Mortain, who were both fathered by her [later] husband Herluin de Conteville. All three became prominent in William's realm.

    The background of Herleva and the circumstances of William's birth are shrouded in mystery. The written evidence dates from a generation or two later, and is not entirely consistent, but of all the Norman chroniclers only the Tours chronicler asserts that William's parents were subsequently joined in marriage. According to Edward Augustus Freeman the Tours chronicler's version can not be true, because if Hereleva married the Duke, then William's birth would have been legitimized, and thus he would not have been known as William the Bastard[d], by his contemporaries.

    The most commonly accepted version says that she was the daughter of a tanner named Fulbert from the town of Falaise, in Normandy. The meaning of filia pelletarii burgensis is somewhat uncertain, and Fulbert may instead have been a furrier, embalmer, apothecary, or a person who laid out corpses for burial.

    Some argue that Herleva's father was not a tanner but rather a member of the burgher class. The idea is supported by the appearance of her brothers in a later document as attestors for an under-age William. Also, the Count of Flanders later accepted Herleva as a proper guardian for his own daughter. Both of these would be nearly impossible if Herleva's father was a tanner, which would place his standing as little more than a peasant.

    Orderic Vitalis described Herleva's father Fulbert as the Duke's Chamberlain (cubicularii ducis).

    According to one legend, it all started when Robert, the young Duke of Normandy, saw Herleva from the roof of his castle tower. The walkway on the roof still looks down on the dyeing trenches cut into stone in the courtyard below, which can be seen to this day from the tower ramparts above. The traditional way of dyeing leather or garments was to trample barefoot on the garments which were awash in the liquid dye in these trenches. Herleva, legend goes, seeing the Duke on his ramparts above, raised her skirts perhaps a bit more than necessary in order to attract the Duke's eye. The latter was immediately smitten and ordered her brought in (as was customary for any woman that caught the Duke's eye) through the back door. Herleva refused, saying she would only enter the Duke's castle on horseback through the front gate, and not as an ordinary commoner. The Duke, filled with lust, could only agree. In a few days, Herleva, dressed in the finest her father could provide, and sitting on a white horse, rode proudly through the front gate, her head held high. This gave Herleva a semi-official status as the Duke's concubine. She later gave birth to his son, William, in 1027 or 1028.

    Some historians suggest Herleva was first the mistress of Gilbert of Brionne with whom she had a son, Richard. It was Gilbert who first saw Herleva and elevated her position and then Robert took her for his mistress.

    Marriage to Herluin de Conteville[edit]

    Herleva later married Herluin de Conteville in 1031. Some accounts maintain that Robert always loved her, but the gap in their social status made marriage impossible, so, to give her a good life, he married her off to one of his favourite noblemen.

    Another source suggests that Herleva did not marry Herluin until after Robert died, because there is no record of Robert entering another relationship, whereas Herluin married another woman, Fredesendis, by the time he founded the abbey of Grestain.

    From her marriage to Herluin she had two sons: Odo, who later became Bishop of Bayeux, and Robert, who became Count of Mortain. Both became prominent during William's reign. They also had at least two daughters: Emma, who married Richard le Goz, Viscount of Avranches, and a daughter of unknown name who married William, lord of la Ferté-Macé.

    According to Robert of Torigni, Herleva was buried at the abbey of Grestain, which was founded by Herluin and their son Robert around 1050. This would put Herleva in her forties around the time of her death.



    French: Arlette
    Also Known As: "Arletta", "Arlette", "Arlotta", "Arlotte", "Erleve", "Harlena", "Harlette", "Herlette", "Herleve", "Herlève", "Herlotte"

    Birthdate: circa 1003 (47)
    Birthplace: Falaise, Calvados, Lower Normandy, France
    Death: circa 1050 (39-55)
    Eure, Upper Normandy, France
    Place of Burial: (near Fatouville-Grestain), Eure, Upper Normandy, France

    Immediate Family:

    Daughter of Fulbert of Falaise and Doda of Falaise

    Wife of Herluin, Count of Conteville
    Partner of Robert I "the Magnificent", Duke of Normandy

    Mother of Robert de Mortagne, Earl of Cornwall; Jeanne de Conteville; Rohesia De Conteville; Muriel de Conteville; Isabella de Conteville; Odo, Bishop of Bayeux; Emma de Conteville; William "the Conqueror", king of England and Adelaide of Normandy, Countess Of Aumale

    Sister of Beatrice de Falaise; Lord Reynald de Falaise, Lord of Croy; Osbern, Steward of Normandy; Walter, Chamberlain of Normandy and Muriel de Normandie

    Herleve was a concubine, she married Robert II, Duke of Normandy according to the "Danish Way." "A legitimate wife according to old Norman traditions," she eventually had William the Conqueror. At the same time, up-and-coming reformists like pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Sovana) hoped to ban these customs and establish authoritarian rule. As a "concubine" through this lens, a "frilla" like Herleve is a glance at the long process of the Christianization of Europe, and the outing of indigenous culture.
    She was Robert's mistress. Robert never married Harlette according to Norman law or custom, he was faithful to her and she to him until his death.

    1. 1. Countess Of Aumale & Ponthieu Adlade De Normandie blev født cirka 1030 i Chateau de Falaise, Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France; døde i 1090 i Aumale, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet i sep. 1090.
    2. King William Conqueror, I blev født den 14 okt. 1024 i Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France; døde den 9 sep. 1087 i Priory of Saint Gervase, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet den 10 sep. 1087 i Abbey of St. Stephen, Caen, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France.

Generation: 3

  1. 4.   Duke of Normandy Richard Of Normandy, II blev født den 23 aug. 963 i Chateau de Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France (søn af Richard I “sans Peur” De Normandy og Gunnora De Crepon, Duchess of Normandy); døde den 28 aug. 1026 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet i sep. 1026 i Abbey of the Trinity, Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Title Of Nobility: Duke of Normandy
    • Titel: The Good


    See Danish test far below.

    --Check Ancestral Chart in Documents for Ancestors, Siblings, and Ancestors of Richard II of Normandy--

    Here first in English from:,_Duke_of_Normandy

    Richard II (unknown - 28 August 1026), called the Good (French: Le Bon), was the eldest son and heir of Richard I the Fearless and Gunnora.[1][2] He was a Norman nobleman of the House of Normandy. He was the paternal grandfather of William the Conqueror.
    Richard succeeded his father as Duke of Normandy in 996.[1] During his minority, the first five years of his reign (suggesting he was born circa 980), his regent was Count Rodulf of Ivry, his uncle, who wielded the power and put down a peasant insurrection at the beginning of Richard's reign.[3]
    Richard had deep religious interests and found he had much in common with Robert II of France, who he helped militarily against the duchy of Burgundy.[3] He forged a marriage alliance with Brittany by marrying his sister Hawise to Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany and by his own marriage to Geoffrey's sister, Judith of Brittany.[3]
    In 1000-1001, Richard repelled an English attack on the Cotentin Peninsula that was led by Ethelred II of England.[4] Ethelred had given orders that Richard be captured, bound and brought to England.[5] But the English had not been prepared for the rapid response of the Norman cavalry and were defeated at the Battle of Val-de-Saire.[6]
    Richard attempted to improve relations with England through his sister Emma of Normandy's marriage to King Ethelred.[4] This marriage was significant in that it later gave his grandson, William the Conqueror, the basis of his claim to the throne of England.[7] The improved relations proved to be beneficial to Ethelred when in 1013 Sweyn Forkbeard [Svend Tveskæg] invaded England. Emma with her two sons Edward and Alfred fled to Normandy followed shortly thereafter by her husband king Ethelred.[7] Soon after the death of Ethelred, Cnut [Knud], King of England [and Danmark] forced Emma to marry him while Richard was forced to recognize the new regime as his sister was again Queen.[4] Richard had contacts with Scandinavian Vikings throughout his reign. He employed Viking mercenaries and concluded a treaty with Sweyn Forkbeard who was en route to England.[8]
    Richard II commissioned his clerk and confessor, Dudo of Saint-Quentin, to portray his ducal ancestors as morally upright Christian leaders who built Normandy despite the treachery of their overlords and neighboring principalities.[9] It was clearly a work of propaganda designed to legitimize the Norman settlement, and while it contains numerous historically unreliable legends, as respects the reigns of his father and grandfather, Richard I and William I it is basically reliable.[10] [Also his claim that Rollo of Normandie was from Fakse, Sjælland, Danmark].
    In 1025 and 1026 Richard confirmed gifts of his great-grandfather Rollo to Saint-Ouen at Rouen.[11] His other numerous grants to monastic houses tends to indicate the areas over which Richard had ducal control, namely Caen, the Éverecin, the Cotentin, the Pays de Caux and Rouen.[12]
    Richard II died 28 Aug 1026.[1] his eldest son, Richard becoming the new Duke.

    He married firstly, c.1000, Judith (982-1017), daughter of Conan I of Brittany,[13][14] by whom he had the following issue:
    Richard (c. 997/1001), duke of Normandy[1]
    Robert (1000), duke of Normandy[1]
    Alice of Normandy (c. 1003/5), married Renaud I, Count of Burgundy[1]
    William (c. 1007/9), monk at Fécamp, d. 1025, buried at Fécamp Abbey[1][15]
    Eleanor (c. 1011/3), married to Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders
    Matilda (c. 1013/5), nun at Fecamp, d. 1033. She died young and unmarried.[16]

    Secondly he married Poppa of Envermeu, by whom he had the following issue:
    Mauger (c. 1019), Archbishop of Rouen
    William (c. 1020/5), count of Arques

    And a Danish text:
    Richard 2. af Normandiet (død 1026) var hertug i Normandiet og gik under navnet Richard den Gode [Le Bon]. Han var søn af hertug Richard 1. den Frygtløse af Normandiet og hertuginde Gunnor. Han efterfulgte sin far som hertug af Normandiet i 996. Richard nærede modvilje imod bøndernes opstand og hjalp Robert 2. af Frankrig imod hertugdømmet Burgund. Han slog også et engelsk angreb på den kotentiske halvø tilbage, et angreb der blev ledet af den angelsaksiske kong Ethelred 2.. Richard søgte også at reformere de normanniske klostre.
    Richard var gift 2 gange, først i 996 med Judith (død 1017), der var datter af Conan 1. af Bretagne dernæst med Papia. Børn af 1. ægteskab var:
    Richard 3. af Normandiet
    Robert den Storslåede
    William, munk i Fécamp død 1025
    Renaud 1. greve af Burgund
    Eleanor (eller Ainor, Judith)
    Balduein 4. af Flandern
    Matilda død 1033
    og børn af 2. ægteskab med Papia:
    Mauger ærkebiskop af Rouen
    Vilhelm greve af Arques,_Duke_of_Normandy

    Richard blev gift med Duchess of Normandy Judith Of Brittany cirka 1000. Judith (datter af Conan, Duke of Brittany I og Duchess of Brittany Ermengarde-Gerberga Of Anjou) blev født i 982; døde den 28 aug. 1017; blev begravet i sep. 1017 i Abbey of Bernay, l'Eure, Haute-Normandie, France. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 5.   Duchess of Normandy Judith Of Brittany blev født i 982 (datter af Conan, Duke of Brittany I og Duchess of Brittany Ermengarde-Gerberga Of Anjou); døde den 28 aug. 1017; blev begravet i sep. 1017 i Abbey of Bernay, l'Eure, Haute-Normandie, France.


    Judith, born in 982, was the daughter of Conan I, Duke of Brittany and Ermengarde-Gerberga of Anjou. She was the mother of Robert I, Duke of Normandy and paternal grandmother of William the Conqueror.
    She was a part of an important double marriage alliance between Normandy and Brittany first recorded by William of Jumièges. In 996 her brother Geoffrey I, Duke of Brittany married Hawise of Normandy, daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy while in c. 1000 Judith married Richard II, Duke of Normandy, Hawise's brother. The duchess Judith died on 28 August 1017 and was buried in the abbey of Bernay, which she had founded in 1013.

    Judith married Richard II, Duke of Normandy c. 1000. They had six children:
    Richard (c. 1002/4), Duke of Normandy.
    Alice of Normandy (c. 1003/5), married Renaud I, Count of Burgundy.
    Robert (c. 1005/7), Duke of Normandy.
    William (c. 1007/9), monk at Fécamp, d. 1025.
    Eleanor (c. 1011/3), married to Baldwin IV, Count of Flanders.
    Matilda (c. 1013/5), nun at Fecamp, d. 1033. She died young and unmarried

    As written in:

    1. Guillaume William Normandy, Vicomte blev født i 1001 i Normandie, France; døde den 1 jun. 1052 i Normandy, France.
    2. Eleanora Of Normandy blev født cirka 1011 i Plouigneau, Finistère, Bretagne, France; døde den 23 dec. 1035 i Flanders, Belgium; blev begravet i Vlaanderen, Belgium.
    3. Richard Iii ( Fitzrichard) of Normandy, of Brionne blev født i 992 i Tonbridge, Kent, England; døde i 1087 i Tonbridge, Kent, England.
    4. Elbeonore De Normandie blev født cirka 1009 i Of, Normandy, France; døde den 21 nov. 1030.
    5. Guillaume Normandy blev født i 1005 i Normandy, France; døde i jun. 1025 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.
    6. Comtess of Bourgogne Adeliza Judith Beauclerc, de Normandie blev født den 22 apr. 1003 i Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; døde den 27 jul. 1037 i Caux, Allier, Auvergne, France; blev begravet i Bourgogne, France.
    7. Matilda Of Normandy blev født i 1013 i Normandy France; døde cirka 1033 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet i 1033 i France.
    8. 2. Robert Of Normandy, I blev født den 22 jun. 1000 i Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France; døde den 3 jul. 1035 i Nicaea, Bithynia, Turkey; blev begravet i Nicaea Cathedral, Bithynia, Turkey.

Generation: 4

  1. 8.   Richard I “sans Peur” De Normandy blev født den 28 aug. 932 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; døde den 20 nov. 996 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.

    Richard + Gunnora De Crepon, Duchess of Normandy. Gunnora blev født den 21 nov. 935 i Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; døde den 5 jan. 1031 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  2. 9.   Gunnora De Crepon, Duchess of Normandy blev født den 21 nov. 935 i Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; døde den 5 jan. 1031 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.
    1. 4. Duke of Normandy Richard Of Normandy, II blev født den 23 aug. 963 i Chateau de Falaise, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France; døde den 28 aug. 1026 i Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France; blev begravet i sep. 1026 i Abbey of the Trinity, Fécamp, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France.

  3. 10.   Conan, Duke of Brittany I blev født i 927 i Rennes, Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France; døde den 27 jun. 992 i Conquereuil, Loire-Inferieure, Bretagne, France; blev begravet den 29 jun. 992 i Mont Saint-Michel Abbey, Bretagne, France.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Title Of Nobility: Count of Rennes

    Conan blev gift med Duchess of Brittany Ermengarde-Gerberga Of Anjou i 973. Ermengarde-Gerberga (datter af Count Geoffrey Of Anjou, I og Countess of Chalon Adele Of Meaux) blev født i 956 i Anjou, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France; døde i 1024. [Gruppeskema] [Familietavle]

  4. 11.   Duchess of Brittany Ermengarde-Gerberga Of Anjou blev født i 956 i Anjou, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France (datter af Count Geoffrey Of Anjou, I og Countess of Chalon Adele Of Meaux); døde i 1024.

    Andre Begivenheder og Egenskaber:

    • Title Of Nobility: Countess of Angoulême
    • Title Of Nobility: Countess of Rennes


    Ermengarde-Gerberga was born c. 956,[1] the daughter of Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou and Adele of Meaux.[2] She married Conan I of Rennes, Count of Rennes, in 973.[3] Her husband Conan of Rennes opposed her father and brother Fulk even though the marriage was apparently designed to form a political alliance between Anjou and Brittany.[4] Even after Conan had been killed by Fulk at the Battle of Conquereuil in 992, and during the period 992-994 when Ermengarde was Regent for their son Geoffrey, she remained loyal to her brother Fulk III, Count of Anjou.[4] In 992, following the interests of her brother, and functioning as Regent, she accepted Capetian over-lordship for Rennes while rejecting that of Odo I, Count of Blois.[5]

    About 1000[6] her brother Fulk III arranged his widowed sister to marry, secondly, William II of Angoulême, one of his close allies.[7]

    1. 5. Duchess of Normandy Judith Of Brittany blev født i 982; døde den 28 aug. 1017; blev begravet i sep. 1017 i Abbey of Bernay, l'Eure, Haute-Normandie, France.

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